Source code for

# (C) British Crown Copyright 2011 - 2015, Met Office
# This file is part of cartopy.
# cartopy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
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# (at your option) any later version.
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The crs module defines Coordinate Reference Systems and the transformations
between them.


from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
import math
import warnings

import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry as sgeom
from shapely.geometry.polygon import LinearRing
from shapely.prepared import prep
import six

from cartopy._crs import CRS, Geocentric, Geodetic, Globe, PROJ4_RELEASE
import cartopy.trace

__document_these__ = ['CRS', 'Geocentric', 'Geodetic', 'Globe']

[docs]class RotatedGeodetic(CRS): """ Defines a rotated latitude/longitude coordinate system with spherical topology and geographical distance. Coordinates are measured in degrees. """ def __init__(self, pole_longitude, pole_latitude, central_rotated_longitude=0.0, globe=None): """ Create a RotatedGeodetic CRS. The class uses proj4 to perform an ob_tran operation, using the pole_longitude to set a lon_0 then performing two rotations based on pole_latitude and central_rotated_longitude. This is equivalent to setting the new pole to a location defined by the pole_latitude and pole_longitude values in the GeogCRS defined by globe, then rotating this new CRS about it's pole using the central_rotated_longitude value. Args: * pole_longitude - Pole longitude position, in unrotated degrees. * pole_latitude - Pole latitude position, in unrotated degrees. * central_rotated_longitude - Longitude rotation about the new pole, in degrees. Kwargs: * globe - An optional :class:``. Defaults to a "WGS84" datum. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'ob_tran'), ('o_proj', 'latlon'), ('o_lon_p', central_rotated_longitude), ('o_lat_p', pole_latitude), ('lon_0', 180 + pole_longitude), ('to_meter', math.radians(1))] globe = globe or Globe(datum='WGS84') super(RotatedGeodetic, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe)
[docs]class Projection(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, CRS)): """ Defines a projected coordinate system with flat topology and Euclidean distance. """ _method_map = { 'Point': '_project_point', 'LineString': '_project_line_string', 'LinearRing': '_project_linear_ring', 'Polygon': '_project_polygon', 'MultiPoint': '_project_multipoint', 'MultiLineString': '_project_multiline', 'MultiPolygon': '_project_multipolygon', } @abstractproperty def boundary(self): pass @abstractproperty def threshold(self): pass @abstractproperty def x_limits(self): pass @abstractproperty def y_limits(self): pass @property def cw_boundary(self): try: boundary = self._cw_boundary except AttributeError: boundary = sgeom.LineString(self.boundary) self._cw_boundary = boundary return boundary @property def ccw_boundary(self): try: boundary = self._ccw_boundary except AttributeError: boundary = sgeom.LineString(list(self.boundary.coords)[::-1]) self._ccw_boundary = boundary return boundary @property def domain(self): try: domain = self._domain except AttributeError: domain = self._domain = sgeom.Polygon(self.boundary) return domain def _as_mpl_axes(self): import cartopy.mpl.geoaxes as geoaxes return geoaxes.GeoAxes, {'map_projection': self}
[docs] def project_geometry(self, geometry, src_crs=None): """ Projects the given geometry into this projection. :param geometry: The geometry to (re-)project. :param src_crs: The source CRS, or geodetic CRS if None. :rtype: Shapely geometry. If src_crs is None, the source CRS is assumed to be a geodetic version of the target CRS. """ if src_crs is None: src_crs = self.as_geodetic() elif not isinstance(src_crs, CRS): raise TypeError('Source CRS must be an instance of CRS' ' or one of its subclasses, or None.') geom_type = geometry.geom_type method_name = self._method_map.get(geom_type) if not method_name: raise ValueError('Unsupported geometry ' 'type {!r}'.format(geom_type)) return getattr(self, method_name)(geometry, src_crs)
def _project_point(self, point, src_crs): return sgeom.Point(*self.transform_point(point.x, point.y, src_crs)) def _project_line_string(self, geometry, src_crs): return cartopy.trace.project_linear(geometry, src_crs, self) def _project_linear_ring(self, linear_ring, src_crs): """ Projects the given LinearRing from the src_crs into this CRS and returns a list of LinearRings and a single MultiLineString. """ debug = False # 1) Resolve the initial lines into projected segments # 1abc # def23ghi # jkl41 multi_line_string = cartopy.trace.project_linear(linear_ring, src_crs, self) # Threshold for whether a point is close enough to be the same # point as another. threshold = max(np.abs(self.x_limits + self.y_limits)) * 1e-5 # 2) Simplify the segments where appropriate. if len(multi_line_string) > 1: # Stitch together segments which are close to continuous. # This is important when: # 1) The first source point projects into the map and the # ring has been cut by the boundary. # Continuing the example from above this gives: # def23ghi # jkl41abc # 2) The cut ends of segments are too close to reliably # place into an order along the boundary. line_strings = list(multi_line_string) any_modified = False i = 0 if debug: first_coord = np.array([ls.coords[0] for ls in line_strings]) last_coord = np.array([ls.coords[-1] for ls in line_strings]) print('Distance matrix:') np.set_printoptions(precision=2) x = first_coord[:, np.newaxis, :] y = last_coord[np.newaxis, :, :] print(np.abs(x - y).max(axis=-1)) while i < len(line_strings): modified = False j = 0 while j < len(line_strings): if i != j and np.allclose(line_strings[i].coords[0], line_strings[j].coords[-1], atol=threshold): if debug: print('Joining together {} and {}.'.format(i, j)) last_coords = list(line_strings[j].coords) first_coords = list(line_strings[i].coords)[1:] combo = sgeom.LineString(last_coords + first_coords) if j < i: i, j = j, i del line_strings[j], line_strings[i] line_strings.append(combo) modified = True any_modified = True break else: j += 1 if not modified: i += 1 if any_modified: multi_line_string = sgeom.MultiLineString(line_strings) # 3) Check for rings that have been created by the projection stage. rings = [] line_strings = [] for line in multi_line_string: if len(line.coords) > 3 and np.allclose(line.coords[0], line.coords[-1], atol=threshold): result_geometry = LinearRing(line.coords[:-1]) rings.append(result_geometry) else: line_strings.append(line) # If we found any rings, then we should re-create the multi-line str. if rings: multi_line_string = sgeom.MultiLineString(line_strings) return rings, multi_line_string def _project_multipoint(self, geometry, src_crs): geoms = [] for geom in geometry.geoms: geoms.append(self._project_point(geom, src_crs)) if geoms: return sgeom.MultiPoint(geoms) else: return sgeom.MultiPoint() def _project_multiline(self, geometry, src_crs): geoms = [] for geom in geometry.geoms: r = self._project_line_string(geom, src_crs) if r: geoms.extend(r.geoms) if geoms: return sgeom.MultiLineString(geoms) else: return [] def _project_multipolygon(self, geometry, src_crs): geoms = [] for geom in geometry.geoms: r = self._project_polygon(geom, src_crs) if r: geoms.extend(r.geoms) if geoms: result = sgeom.MultiPolygon(geoms) else: result = sgeom.MultiPolygon() return result def _project_polygon(self, polygon, src_crs): """ Returns the projected polygon(s) derived from the given polygon. """ # Determine orientation of polygon. # TODO: Consider checking the internal rings have the opposite # orientation to the external rings? if src_crs.is_geodetic(): is_ccw = True else: is_ccw = polygon.exterior.is_ccw # Project the polygon exterior/interior rings. # Each source ring will result in either a ring, or one or more # lines. rings = [] multi_lines = [] for src_ring in [polygon.exterior] + list(polygon.interiors): p_rings, p_mline = self._project_linear_ring(src_ring, src_crs) if p_rings: rings.extend(p_rings) if len(p_mline) > 0: multi_lines.append(p_mline) # Convert any lines to rings by attaching them to the boundary. if multi_lines: rings.extend(self._attach_lines_to_boundary(multi_lines, is_ccw)) # Resolve all the inside vs. outside rings, and convert to the # final MultiPolygon. return self._rings_to_multi_polygon(rings, is_ccw) def _attach_lines_to_boundary(self, multi_line_strings, is_ccw): """ Returns a list of LinearRings by attaching the ends of the given lines to the boundary, paying attention to the traversal directions of the lines and boundary. """ debug = False debug_plot_edges = False # Accumulate all the boundary and segment end points, along with # their distance along the boundary. edge_things = [] # Get the boundary as a LineString of the correct orientation # so we can compute distances along it. if is_ccw: boundary = self.ccw_boundary else: boundary = self.cw_boundary def boundary_distance(xy): return boundary.project(sgeom.Point(*xy)) # Squash all the LineStrings into a single list. line_strings = [] for multi_line_string in multi_line_strings: line_strings.extend(multi_line_string) # Record the positions of all the segment ends for i, line_string in enumerate(line_strings): first_dist = boundary_distance(line_string.coords[0]) thing = _BoundaryPoint(first_dist, False, (i, 'first', line_string.coords[0])) edge_things.append(thing) last_dist = boundary_distance(line_string.coords[-1]) thing = _BoundaryPoint(last_dist, False, (i, 'last', line_string.coords[-1])) edge_things.append(thing) # Record the positions of all the boundary vertices for xy in list(boundary.coords)[:-1]: point = sgeom.Point(*xy) dist = boundary.project(point) thing = _BoundaryPoint(dist, True, point) edge_things.append(thing) if debug_plot_edges: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt current_fig = plt.gcf() fig = plt.figure() # Reset the current figure so we don't upset anything. plt.figure(current_fig.number) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Order everything as if walking around the boundary. # NB. We make line end-points take precedence over boundary points # to ensure that end-points are still found and followed when they # coincide. edge_things.sort(key=lambda thing: (thing.distance, thing.kind)) remaining_ls = dict(enumerate(line_strings)) prev_thing = None for edge_thing in edge_things[:]: if (prev_thing is not None and not edge_thing.kind and not prev_thing.kind and[0] ==[0]): j =[0] # Insert a edge boundary point in between this geometry. mid_dist = (edge_thing.distance + prev_thing.distance) * 0.5 mid_point = boundary.interpolate(mid_dist) new_thing = _BoundaryPoint(mid_dist, True, mid_point) if debug: print('Artificially insert boundary: {}'.format(new_thing)) ind = edge_things.index(edge_thing) edge_things.insert(ind, new_thing) prev_thing = None else: prev_thing = edge_thing if debug: print() print('Edge things') for thing in edge_things: print(' ', thing) if debug_plot_edges: for thing in edge_things: if isinstance(, sgeom.Point): ax.plot(*, marker='o') else: ax.plot(*[2], marker='o') ls = line_strings[[0]] coords = np.array(ls.coords) ax.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]) ax.text(coords[0, 0], coords[0, 1],[0]) ax.text(coords[-1, 0], coords[-1, 1], '{}.'.format([0])) processed_ls = [] while remaining_ls: # Rename line_string to current_ls i, current_ls = remaining_ls.popitem() if debug: import sys sys.stdout.write('+') sys.stdout.flush() print() print('Processing: %s, %s' % (i, current_ls)) # We only want to consider boundary-points, the starts-and-ends of # all other line-strings, or the start-point of the current # line-string. def filter_fn(t): return (t.kind or[0] != i or[1] != 'last') edge_things = list(filter(filter_fn, edge_things)) added_linestring = set() while True: # Find out how far around this linestring's last # point is on the boundary. We will use this to find # the next point on the boundary. d_last = boundary_distance(current_ls.coords[-1]) if debug: print(' d_last: {!r}'.format(d_last)) next_thing = _find_first_gt(edge_things, d_last) # Remove this boundary point from the edge. edge_things.remove(next_thing) if debug: print(' next_thing:', next_thing) if next_thing.kind: # We've just got a boundary point, add it, and keep going. if debug: print(' adding boundary point') boundary_point = combined_coords = (list(current_ls.coords) + [(boundary_point.x, boundary_point.y)]) current_ls = sgeom.LineString(combined_coords) elif[0] == i and[1] == 'first': # We've gone all the way around and are now back at the # first boundary thing. if debug: print(' close loop') processed_ls.append(current_ls) if debug_plot_edges: coords = np.array(current_ls.coords) ax.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], color='black', linestyle='--') break else: if debug: print(' adding line') j =[0] line_to_append = line_strings[j] if j in remaining_ls: remaining_ls.pop(j) coords_to_append = list(line_to_append.coords) if[1] == 'last': coords_to_append = coords_to_append[::-1] # Build up the linestring. current_ls = sgeom.LineString((list(current_ls.coords) + coords_to_append)) # Catch getting stuck in an infinite loop by checking that # linestring only added once. if j not in added_linestring: added_linestring.add(j) else: if debug_plot_edges: raise RuntimeError('Unidentified problem with ' 'geometry, linestring being ' 're-added. Please raise an issue.') # filter out any non-valid linear rings processed_ls = [linear_ring for linear_ring in processed_ls if len(linear_ring.coords) > 2] linear_rings = [LinearRing(line) for line in processed_ls] if debug: print(' DONE') return linear_rings def _rings_to_multi_polygon(self, rings, is_ccw): exterior_rings = [] interior_rings = [] for ring in rings: if ring.is_ccw != is_ccw: interior_rings.append(ring) else: exterior_rings.append(ring) polygon_bits = [] # Turn all the exterior rings into polygon definitions, # "slurping up" any interior rings they contain. for exterior_ring in exterior_rings: polygon = sgeom.Polygon(exterior_ring) prep_polygon = prep(polygon) holes = [] for interior_ring in interior_rings[:]: if prep_polygon.contains(interior_ring): holes.append(interior_ring) interior_rings.remove(interior_ring) elif polygon.crosses(interior_ring): # Likely that we have an invalid geometry such as # that from #509 or #537. holes.append(interior_ring) interior_rings.remove(interior_ring) polygon_bits.append((exterior_ring.coords, [ring.coords for ring in holes])) # Any left over "interior" rings need "inverting" with respect # to the boundary. if interior_rings: boundary_poly = self.domain x3, y3, x4, y4 = boundary_poly.bounds bx = (x4 - x3) * 0.1 by = (y4 - y3) * 0.1 x3 -= bx y3 -= by x4 += bx y4 += by for ring in interior_rings: polygon = sgeom.Polygon(ring) if polygon.is_valid: x1, y1, x2, y2 = polygon.bounds bx = (x2 - x1) * 0.1 by = (y2 - y1) * 0.1 x1 -= bx y1 -= by x2 += bx y2 += by box =, x3), min(y1, y3), max(x2, x4), max(y2, y4)) # Invert the polygon polygon = box.difference(polygon) # Intersect the inverted polygon with the boundary polygon = boundary_poly.intersection(polygon) if not polygon.is_empty: polygon_bits.append(polygon) if polygon_bits: multi_poly = sgeom.MultiPolygon(polygon_bits) else: multi_poly = sgeom.MultiPolygon() return multi_poly
[docs] def quick_vertices_transform(self, vertices, src_crs): """ Where possible, return a vertices array transformed to this CRS from the given vertices array of shape ``(n, 2)`` and the source CRS. .. important:: This method may return None to indicate that the vertices cannot be transformed quickly, and a more complex geometry transformation is required (see :meth:``). """ return_value = None if self == src_crs: x = vertices[:, 0] y = vertices[:, 1] x_limits = self.x_limits y_limits = self.y_limits if (x.min() >= x_limits[0] and x.max() <= x_limits[1] and y.min() >= y_limits[0] and y.max() <= y_limits[1]): return_value = vertices return return_value
class _RectangularProjection(Projection): """ The abstract superclass of projections with a rectangular domain which is symmetric about the origin. """ def __init__(self, proj4_params, half_width, half_height, globe=None): self._half_width = half_width self._half_height = half_height super(_RectangularProjection, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) @property def boundary(self): # XXX Should this be a LinearRing? w, h = self._half_width, self._half_height return sgeom.LineString([(-w, -h), (-w, h), (w, h), (w, -h), (-w, -h)]) @property def x_limits(self): return (-self._half_width, self._half_width) @property def y_limits(self): return (-self._half_height, self._half_height) class _CylindricalProjection(_RectangularProjection): """ The abstract class which denotes cylindrical projections where we want to allow x values to wrap around. """ def _ellipse_boundary(semimajor=2, semiminor=1, easting=0, northing=0, n=201): """ Defines a projection boundary using an ellipse. This type of boundary is used by several projections. """ t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n) coords = np.vstack([semimajor * np.cos(t), semiminor * np.sin(t)]) coords += ([easting], [northing]) return coords[:, ::-1]
[docs]class PlateCarree(_CylindricalProjection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'eqc'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] if globe is None: globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=math.degrees(1)) x_max = math.radians(globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) * 180 y_max = math.radians(globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) * 90 # Set the threshold around 0.5 if the x max is 180. self._threshold = x_max / 360. super(PlateCarree, self).__init__(proj4_params, x_max, y_max, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold def _bbox_and_offset(self, other_plate_carree): """ Returns a pair of (xmin, xmax) pairs and an offset which can be used for identification of whether data in ``other_plate_carree`` needs to be transformed to wrap appropriately. >>> import as ccrs >>> src = ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=10) >>> bboxes, offset = ccrs.PlateCarree()._bbox_and_offset(src) >>> print(bboxes) [[-180.0, -170.0], [-170.0, 180.0]] >>> print(offset) 10.0 The returned values are longitudes in ``other_plate_carree``'s coordinate system. .. important:: The two CRSs must be identical in every way, other than their central longitudes. No checking of this is done. """ self_lon_0 = self.proj4_params['lon_0'] other_lon_0 = other_plate_carree.proj4_params['lon_0'] lon_0_offset = other_lon_0 - self_lon_0 lon_lower_bound_0 = self.x_limits[0] lon_lower_bound_1 = (other_plate_carree.x_limits[0] + lon_0_offset) if lon_lower_bound_1 < self.x_limits[0]: lon_lower_bound_1 += np.diff(self.x_limits)[0] lon_lower_bound_0, lon_lower_bound_1 = sorted( [lon_lower_bound_0, lon_lower_bound_1]) bbox = [[lon_lower_bound_0, lon_lower_bound_1], [lon_lower_bound_1, lon_lower_bound_0]] bbox[1][1] += np.diff(self.x_limits)[0] return bbox, lon_0_offset def quick_vertices_transform(self, vertices, src_crs): return_value = super(PlateCarree, self).quick_vertices_transform(vertices, src_crs) # Optimise the PlateCarree -> PlateCarree case where no # wrapping or interpolation needs to take place. if return_value is None and isinstance(src_crs, PlateCarree): self_params = self.proj4_params.copy() src_params = src_crs.proj4_params.copy() self_params.pop('lon_0'), src_params.pop('lon_0') xs, ys = vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1] potential = (self_params == src_params and self.y_limits[0] <= ys.min() and self.y_limits[1] >= ys.max()) if potential: mod = np.diff(src_crs.x_limits)[0] bboxes, proj_offset = self._bbox_and_offset(src_crs) x_lim = xs.min(), xs.max() y_lim = ys.min(), ys.max() for poly in bboxes: # Arbitrarily choose the number of moduli to look # above and below the -180->180 range. If data is beyond # this range, we're not going to transform it quickly. for i in [-1, 0, 1, 2]: offset = mod * i - proj_offset if ((poly[0] + offset) <= x_lim[0] and (poly[1] + offset) >= x_lim[1]): return_value = vertices + [[-offset, 0]] break if return_value is not None: break return return_value
[docs]class TransverseMercator(Projection): """ A Transverse Mercator projection. """ def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, central_latitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, scale_factor=1.0, globe=None): """ Kwargs: * central_longitude - The true longitude of the central meridian in degrees. Defaults to 0. * central_latitude - The true latitude of the planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0. * false_easting - X offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * false_northing - Y offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * scale_factor - Scale factor at the central meridian. Defaults to 1. * globe - An instance of :class:``. If omitted, a default globe is created. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'tmerc'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', central_latitude), ('k', scale_factor), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing), ('units', 'm')] super(TransverseMercator, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 1e4 @property def boundary(self): x0, x1 = self.x_limits y0, y1 = self.y_limits return sgeom.LineString([(x0, y0), (x0, y1), (x1, y1), (x1, y0), (x0, y0)]) @property def x_limits(self): return (-2e7, 2e7) @property def y_limits(self): return (-1e7, 1e7)
[docs]class OSGB(TransverseMercator): def __init__(self): super(OSGB, self).__init__(central_longitude=-2, central_latitude=49, scale_factor=0.9996012717, false_easting=400000, false_northing=-100000, globe=Globe(datum='OSGB36', ellipse='airy')) @property def boundary(self): w = self.x_limits[1] - self.x_limits[0] h = self.y_limits[1] - self.y_limits[0] return sgeom.LineString([(0, 0), (0, h), (w, h), (w, 0), (0, 0)]) @property def x_limits(self): return (0, 7e5) @property def y_limits(self): return (0, 13e5)
[docs]class OSNI(TransverseMercator): def __init__(self): globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=6377340.189, semiminor_axis=6356034.447938534) super(OSNI, self).__init__(central_longitude=-8, central_latitude=53.5, scale_factor=1.000035, false_easting=200000, false_northing=250000, globe=globe) @property def boundary(self): w = self.x_limits[1] - self.x_limits[0] h = self.y_limits[1] - self.y_limits[0] return sgeom.LineString([(0, 0), (0, h), (w, h), (w, 0), (0, 0)]) @property def x_limits(self): return (18814.9667, 386062.3293) @property def y_limits(self): return (11764.8481, 464720.9559)
[docs]class UTM(Projection): """ Universal Transverse Mercator projection. """ def __init__(self, zone, southern_hemisphere=False, globe=None): """ Kwargs: * zone - the numeric zone of the UTM required. * globe - An instance of :class:``. If omitted, a default globe is created. * southern_hemisphere - set to True if the zone is in the southern hemisphere, defaults to False. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'utm'), ('units', 'm'), ('zone', zone)] if southern_hemisphere: proj4_params.append(('south', None)) super(UTM, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) @property def boundary(self): x0, x1 = self.x_limits y0, y1 = self.y_limits return sgeom.LineString([(x0, y0), (x0, y1), (x1, y1), (x1, y0), (x0, y0)]) @property def threshold(self): return 1e2 @property def x_limits(self): easting = 5e5 # allow 50% overflow return (0 - easting/2, 2 * easting + easting/2) @property def y_limits(self): northing = 1e7 # allow 50% overflow return (0 - northing, 2 * northing + northing/2)
[docs]class EuroPP(UTM): """ UTM Zone 32 projection for EuroPP domain. Ellipsoid is International 1924, Datum is ED50. """ def __init__(self): globe = Globe(ellipse='intl') super(EuroPP, self).__init__(32, globe=globe) @property def x_limits(self): return (-1.4e6, 2e6) @property def y_limits(self): return (4e6, 7.9e6)
[docs]class Mercator(Projection): """ A Mercator projection. """ def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, min_latitude=-80.0, max_latitude=84.0, globe=None): """ Kwargs: * central_longitude - the central longitude. Defaults to 0. * min_latitude - the maximum southerly extent of the projection. Defaults to -80 degrees. * max_latitude - the maximum northerly extent of the projection. Defaults to 84 degrees. * globe - A :class:``. If omitted, a default globe is created. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'merc'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('k', 1), ('units', 'm')] super(Mercator, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # Calculate limits. limits = self.transform_points(Geodetic(), np.array([-180, 180]) + central_longitude, np.array([min_latitude, max_latitude])) self._xlimits = tuple(limits[..., 0]) self._ylimits = tuple(limits[..., 1]) self._threshold = np.diff(self.x_limits)[0] / 720 def __eq__(self, other): res = super(Mercator, self).__eq__(other) if hasattr(other, "_ylimits") and hasattr(other, "_xlimits"): res = res and self._ylimits == other._ylimits and \ self._xlimits == other._xlimits return res def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash((self.proj4_init, self._xlimits, self._ylimits)) @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @property def boundary(self): x0, x1 = self.x_limits y0, y1 = self.y_limits return sgeom.LineString([(x0, y0), (x0, y1), (x1, y1), (x1, y0), (x0, y0)]) @property def x_limits(self): return self._xlimits @property def y_limits(self): return self._ylimits
GOOGLE_MERCATOR = Mercator(min_latitude=-85.0511287798066, max_latitude=85.0511287798066, globe=Globe(ellipse=None, semimajor_axis=6378137, semiminor_axis=6378137, nadgrids='@null'))
[docs]class LambertCylindrical(_RectangularProjection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0): proj4_params = [('proj', 'cea'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=math.degrees(1)) super(LambertCylindrical, self).__init__(proj4_params, 180, math.degrees(1), globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 0.5
[docs]class LambertConformal(Projection): """ A Lambert Conformal conic projection. """ def __init__(self, central_longitude=-96.0, central_latitude=39.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, secant_latitudes=None, standard_parallels=None, globe=None, cutoff=-30): """ Kwargs: * central_longitude - The central longitude. Defaults to 0. * central_latitude - The central latitude. Defaults to 0. * false_easting - X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * false_northing - Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * standard_parallels - Standard parallel latitude(s). Defaults to (33, 45). * globe - A :class:``. If omitted, a default globe is created. * cutoff - Latitude of map cutoff. The map extends to infinity opposite the central pole so we must cut off the map drawing before then. A value of 0 will draw half the globe. Defaults to -30. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'lcc'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', central_latitude), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing)] if secant_latitudes and standard_parallels: raise TypeError('standard_parallels replaces secant_latitudes.') elif secant_latitudes is not None: warnings.warn('secant_latitudes has been deprecated in v0.12. ' 'The standard_parallels keyword can be used as a ' 'direct replacement.') standard_parallels = secant_latitudes elif standard_parallels is None: # The default. Put this as a keyword arg default once # secant_latitudes is removed completely. standard_parallels = (33, 45) n_parallels = len(standard_parallels) if not 1 <= n_parallels <= 2: raise ValueError('1 or 2 standard parallels must be specified. ' 'Got {} ({})'.format(n_parallels, standard_parallels)) proj4_params.append(('lat_1', standard_parallels[0])) if n_parallels == 2: proj4_params.append(('lat_2', standard_parallels[1])) super(LambertConformal, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # Compute whether this projection is at the "north pole" or the # "south pole" (after the central lon/lat have been taken into # account). if n_parallels == 1: plat = 90 if standard_parallels[0] > 0 else -90 else: # Which pole are the parallels closest to? That is the direction # that the cone converges. if abs(standard_parallels[0]) > abs(standard_parallels[1]): poliest_sec = standard_parallels[0] else: poliest_sec = standard_parallels[1] plat = 90 if poliest_sec > 0 else -90 self.cutoff = cutoff n = 91 lons = [0] lats = [plat] lons.extend(np.linspace(central_longitude - 180 + 0.001, central_longitude + 180 - 0.001, n)) lats.extend(np.array([cutoff] * n)) lons.append(0) lats.append(plat) points = self.transform_points(PlateCarree(), np.array(lons), np.array(lats)) if plat == 90: # Ensure clockwise points = points[::-1, :] self._boundary = sgeom.LineString(points) bounds = self._boundary.bounds self._x_limits = bounds[0], bounds[2] self._y_limits = bounds[1], bounds[3] def __eq__(self, other): res = super(LambertConformal, self).__eq__(other) if hasattr(other, "cutoff"): res = res and self.cutoff == other.cutoff return res def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash((self.proj4_init, self.cutoff)) @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return 1e5 @property def x_limits(self): return self._x_limits @property def y_limits(self): return self._y_limits
[docs]class Miller(_RectangularProjection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0): proj4_params = [('proj', 'mill'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] globe = Globe(semimajor_axis=math.degrees(1)) # XXX How can we derive the vertical limit of 131.98? super(Miller, self).__init__(proj4_params, 180, 131.98, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 0.5
[docs]class RotatedPole(_CylindricalProjection): """ Defines a rotated latitude/longitude projected coordinate system with cylindrical topology and projected distance. Coordinates are measured in projection metres. """ def __init__(self, pole_longitude=0.0, pole_latitude=90.0, central_rotated_longitude=0.0, globe=None): """ Create a RotatedPole CRS. The class uses proj4 to perform an ob_tran operation, using the pole_longitude to set a lon_0 then performing two rotations based on pole_latitude and central_rotated_longitude. This is equivalent to setting the new pole to a location defined by the pole_latitude and pole_longitude values in the GeogCRS defined by globe, then rotating this new CRS about it's pole using the central_rotated_longitude value. Args: * pole_longitude - Pole longitude position, in unrotated degrees. * pole_latitude - Pole latitude position, in unrotated degrees. * central_rotated_longitude - Longitude rotation about the new pole, in degrees. Kwargs: * globe - An optional :class:``. Defaults to a "WGS84" datum. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'ob_tran'), ('o_proj', 'latlon'), ('o_lon_p', central_rotated_longitude), ('o_lat_p', pole_latitude), ('lon_0', 180 + pole_longitude), ('to_meter', math.radians(1))] super(RotatedPole, self).__init__(proj4_params, 180, 90, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 0.5
[docs]class Gnomonic(Projection): def __init__(self, central_latitude=0.0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'gnom'), ('lat_0', central_latitude)] super(Gnomonic, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) self._max = 5e7 @property def boundary(self): return sgeom.Point(0, 0).buffer(self._max).exterior @property def threshold(self): return 1e5 @property def x_limits(self): return (-self._max, self._max) @property def y_limits(self): return (-self._max, self._max)
[docs]class Stereographic(Projection): def __init__(self, central_latitude=0.0, central_longitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, true_scale_latitude=None, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'stere'), ('lat_0', central_latitude), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing)] if true_scale_latitude: proj4_params.append(('lat_ts', true_scale_latitude)) super(Stereographic, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # TODO: Let the globe return the semimajor axis always. a = np.float(self.globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) b = np.float(self.globe.semiminor_axis or 6356752.3142) # Note: The magic number has been picked to maintain consistent # behaviour with a wgs84 globe. There is no guarantee that the scaling # should even be linear. x_axis_offset = 5e7 / 6378137. y_axis_offset = 5e7 / 6356752.3142 self._x_limits = (-a * x_axis_offset + false_easting, a * x_axis_offset + false_easting) self._y_limits = (-b * y_axis_offset + false_northing, b * y_axis_offset + false_northing) if self._x_limits[1] == self._y_limits[1]: point = sgeom.Point(false_easting, false_northing) self._boundary = point.buffer(self._x_limits[1]).exterior else: coords = _ellipse_boundary(self._x_limits[1], self._y_limits[1], false_easting, false_northing, 91) self._boundary = sgeom.polygon.LinearRing(coords.T) self._threshold = np.diff(self._x_limits)[0] * 1e-3 @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @property def x_limits(self): return self._x_limits @property def y_limits(self): return self._y_limits
[docs]class NorthPolarStereo(Stereographic): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): super(NorthPolarStereo, self).__init__( central_latitude=90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe)
[docs]class SouthPolarStereo(Stereographic): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, globe=None): super(SouthPolarStereo, self).__init__( central_latitude=-90, central_longitude=central_longitude, globe=globe)
[docs]class Orthographic(Projection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, central_latitude=0.0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'ortho'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', central_latitude)] super(Orthographic, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # TODO: Let the globe return the semimajor axis always. a = np.float(self.globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) b = np.float(self.globe.semiminor_axis or a) if b != a: warnings.warn('The proj4 "ortho" projection does not appear to ' 'handle elliptical globes.') # To stabilise the projection of geometries, we reduce the boundary by # a tiny fraction at the cost of the extreme edges. coords = _ellipse_boundary(a * 0.99999, b * 0.99999, n=61) self._boundary = sgeom.polygon.LinearRing(coords.T) self._xlim = self._boundary.bounds[::2] self._ylim = self._boundary.bounds[1::2] self._threshold = np.diff(self._xlim)[0] * 0.02 @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @property def x_limits(self): return self._xlim @property def y_limits(self): return self._ylim
class _WarpedRectangularProjection(Projection): def __init__(self, proj4_params, central_longitude, globe=None): super(_WarpedRectangularProjection, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # Obtain boundary points points = [] n = 91 geodetic_crs = self.as_geodetic() for lat in np.linspace(-90, 90, n): points.append( self.transform_point(180 + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs) ) for lat in np.linspace(90, -90, n): points.append( self.transform_point(-180 + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs) ) points.append( self.transform_point(180 + central_longitude, -90, geodetic_crs)) self._boundary = sgeom.LineString(points[::-1]) x = [p[0] for p in points] y = [p[1] for p in points] self._x_limits = min(x), max(x) self._y_limits = min(y), max(y) @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def x_limits(self): return self._x_limits @property def y_limits(self): return self._y_limits
[docs]class Mollweide(_WarpedRectangularProjection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'moll'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] super(Mollweide, self).__init__(proj4_params, central_longitude, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 1e5
[docs]class Robinson(_WarpedRectangularProjection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0, globe=None): # Warn when using Robinson with proj4 4.8 due to discontinuity at # 40 deg N introduced by incomplete fix to issue #113 (see # import re match ="\d\.\d", PROJ4_RELEASE) if match is not None: proj4_version = float( if 4.8 <= proj4_version < 4.9: warnings.warn('The Robinson projection in the v4.8.x series ' 'of Proj.4 contains a discontinuity at ' '40 deg latitude. Use this projection with ' 'caution.') else: warnings.warn('Cannot determine Proj.4 version. The Robinson ' 'projection may be unreliable and should be used ' 'with caution.') proj4_params = [('proj', 'robin'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] super(Robinson, self).__init__(proj4_params, central_longitude, globe=globe) @property def threshold(self): return 1e4 def transform_point(self, x, y, src_crs): """ Capture and handle any input NaNs, else invoke parent function, :meth:`_WarpedRectangularProjection.transform_point`. Needed because input NaNs can trigger a fatal error in the underlying implementation of the Robinson projection. .. note:: Although the original can in fact translate (nan, lat) into (nan, y-value), this patched version doesn't support that. """ if np.isnan(x) or np.isnan(y): result = (np.nan, np.nan) else: result = super(Robinson, self).transform_point(x, y, src_crs) return result def transform_points(self, src_crs, x, y, z=None): """ Capture and handle NaNs in input points -- else as parent function, :meth:`_WarpedRectangularProjection.transform_points`. Needed because input NaNs can trigger a fatal error in the underlying implementation of the Robinson projection. .. note:: Although the original can in fact translate (nan, lat) into (nan, y-value), this patched version doesn't support that. Instead, we invalidate any of the points that contain a NaN. """ input_point_nans = np.isnan(x) | np.isnan(y) if z is not None: input_point_nans |= np.isnan(z) handle_nans = np.any(input_point_nans) if handle_nans: # Remove NaN points from input data to avoid the error. x[input_point_nans] = 0.0 y[input_point_nans] = 0.0 if z is not None: z[input_point_nans] = 0.0 result = super(Robinson, self).transform_points(src_crs, x, y, z) if handle_nans: # Result always has shape (N, 3). # Blank out each (whole) point where we had a NaN in the input. result[input_point_nans] = np.nan return result
[docs]class InterruptedGoodeHomolosine(Projection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'igh'), ('lon_0', central_longitude)] super(InterruptedGoodeHomolosine, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # Obtain boundary points points = [] n = 31 geodetic_crs = self.as_geodetic() # Right boundary for lat in np.linspace(-90, 90, n): points.append(self.transform_point(180 + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) # Top boundary interrupted_lons = (-40.0,) delta = 0.001 for lon in interrupted_lons: for lat in np.linspace(90, 0, n): points.append(self.transform_point(lon + delta + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) for lat in np.linspace(0, 90, n): points.append(self.transform_point(lon - delta + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) # Left boundary for lat in np.linspace(90, -90, n): points.append(self.transform_point(-180 + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) # Bottom boundary interrupted_lons = (-100.0, -20.0, 80.0) delta = 0.001 for lon in interrupted_lons: for lat in np.linspace(-90, 0, n): points.append(self.transform_point(lon - delta + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) for lat in np.linspace(0, -90, n): points.append(self.transform_point(lon + delta + central_longitude, lat, geodetic_crs)) # Close loop points.append(self.transform_point(180 + central_longitude, -90, geodetic_crs)) self._boundary = sgeom.LineString(points[::-1]) x = [p[0] for p in points] y = [p[1] for p in points] self._x_limits = min(x), max(x) self._y_limits = min(y), max(y) @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return 2e4 @property def x_limits(self): return self._x_limits @property def y_limits(self): return self._y_limits
[docs]class Geostationary(Projection): def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, satellite_height=35785831, false_easting=0, false_northing=0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'geos'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', 0), ('h', satellite_height), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing), ('units', 'm')] super(Geostationary, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # TODO: Let the globe return the semimajor axis always. a = np.float(self.globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) b = np.float(self.globe.semiminor_axis or a) h = np.float(satellite_height) max_x = h * math.atan(a / (a + h)) max_y = h * math.atan(b / (b + h)) coords = _ellipse_boundary(max_x, max_y, false_easting, false_northing, 61) self._boundary = sgeom.polygon.LinearRing(coords.T) self._xlim = self._boundary.bounds[::2] self._ylim = self._boundary.bounds[1::2] self._threshold = np.diff(self._xlim)[0] * 0.02 @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @property def x_limits(self): return self._xlim @property def y_limits(self): return self._ylim
[docs]class AlbersEqualArea(Projection): """ An Albers Equal Area projection This projection is conic and equal-area, and is commonly used for maps of the conterminous United States. """ def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, central_latitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, standard_parallels=(20.0, 50.0), globe=None): """ Kwargs: * central_longitude - The central longitude. Defaults to 0. * central_latitude - The central latitude. Defaults to 0. * false_easting - X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * false_northing - Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * standard_parallels - The one or two latitudes of correct scale. Defaults to (20, 50). * globe - A :class:``. If omitted, a default globe is created. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'aea'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', central_latitude), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing)] if standard_parallels is not None: try: proj4_params.append(('lat_1', standard_parallels[0])) try: proj4_params.append(('lat_2', standard_parallels[1])) except IndexError: pass except TypeError: proj4_params.append(('lat_1', standard_parallels)) super(AlbersEqualArea, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # bounds n = 103 lons = np.empty(2 * n + 1) lats = np.empty(2 * n + 1) tmp = np.linspace(central_longitude - 180, central_longitude + 180, n) lons[:n] = tmp lats[:n] = 90 lons[n:-1] = tmp[::-1] lats[n:-1] = -90 lons[-1] = lons[0] lats[-1] = lats[0] points = self.transform_points(self.as_geodetic(), lons, lats) self._boundary = sgeom.LineString(points) bounds = self._boundary.bounds self._x_limits = bounds[0], bounds[2] self._y_limits = bounds[1], bounds[3] @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return 1e5 @property def x_limits(self): return self._x_limits @property def y_limits(self): return self._y_limits
[docs]class AzimuthalEquidistant(Projection): """ An Azimuthal Equidistant projection This projection provides accurate angles about and distances through the central position. Other angles, distances, or areas may be distorted. """ def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, central_latitude=0.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, globe=None): """ Kwargs: * central_longitude - The true longitude of the central meridian in degrees. Defaults to 0. * central_latitude - The true latitude of the planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0. * false_easting - X offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * false_northing - Y offset from the planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0. * globe - An instance of :class:``. If omitted, a default globe is created. """ proj4_params = [('proj', 'aeqd'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', central_latitude), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing)] super(AzimuthalEquidistant, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # TODO: Let the globe return the semimajor axis always. a = np.float(self.globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) b = np.float(self.globe.semiminor_axis or a) coords = _ellipse_boundary(a * np.pi, b * np.pi, false_easting, false_northing, 61) self._boundary = sgeom.polygon.LinearRing(coords.T) bounds = self._boundary.bounds self._x_limits = bounds[0], bounds[2] self._y_limits = bounds[1], bounds[3] @property def boundary(self): return self._boundary @property def threshold(self): return 1e5 @property def x_limits(self): return self._x_limits @property def y_limits(self): return self._y_limits
class _BoundaryPoint(object): def __init__(self, distance, kind, data): """ A representation for a geometric object which is connected to the boundary. Parameters ========== distance - float The distance along the boundary that this object can be found. kind - bool Whether this object represents a point from the pre-computed boundary. data - point or namedtuple The actual data that this boundary object represents. """ self.distance = distance self.kind = kind = data def __repr__(self): return '_BoundaryPoint(%r, %r, %s)' % (self.distance, self.kind, def _find_first_gt(a, x): for v in a: if v.distance > x: return v # We've gone all the way around, so pick the first point again. return a[0]
[docs]def epsg(code): """ Return the projection which corresponds to the given EPSG code. The EPSG code must correspond to a "projected coordinate system", so EPSG codes such as 4326 (WGS-84) which define a "geodetic coordinate system" will not work. .. note:: The conversion is performed by querying so a live internet connection is required. """ import cartopy._epsg return cartopy._epsg._EPSGProjection(code)